4 déc. 2006


Pointe finistère
Hiver soixante dix neuf
On longe les baies:
Embrun, iode, scène d´amour dans l´air...
Tu m´dis je t´aime
j´te réponds: j´entends pas
Le vent mauvais claque dans les ifs

Avec des "If"
I´d put Paris in the Bottle
et je te ferais reine
du Bar-Tabac du coin

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

c'est très joli!

Miss Titi

Anonyme a dit…

yoann! first i want to apologize that i contact you by leaving a comment on a poem... i didn't know how to reach you otherwise.

you accidently found me on the internet, after i posted your name on my blog.
i erased my blog, but i'm still curious! so many years have passed since kristina and i sat in your parents house at 10 place jules verne (correct?) in the outskirts of paris.
i have many questions, mainly because i'm fascinated that someone i briefly knew many years ago reappears on my computer screen 15 years later.

here is my family and myself: http://www.familjeliv.se/hem/minje/galleri.php

other than that i work as a psychologist, i'm married and i have two sons, aron and herman. i have pretty much gone the traditional way in life, wich academic studies followed by family life and other predictable elements.

i have so many questions i'd like to ask you, such as:
how are you??
how long have you been in berlin?
what to you do for a living?
you had two brothers, right? how are they? and how is vicky the dog? is she still alive?
you still a smoker??? hehe. i quit in 2002 (my first pregnancy) and i still haven't started. i miss it sometimes.

if you feel like it, email me at paulina@europe.com


Anonyme a dit…

On s'est trouvé sur trombi.com, un peu frustrant de ne pas pouvoir s'echanger des messages, non?. Je te laisse ci -après mon adresse mail: golfeurs2001@yahoo.fr

Misstiti (et si et si....)

Anonyme a dit…

moi ce que j'amerais bien, c'est un nouveau poême!!!
